
Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Costume Idea #1, 2013: A Corpse Bride

All three of my kids wanted to be something scary this year, and that's okay.  Sometimes scary can be fun!  At first my oldest wanted to be a scary clown (all clowns are scary, aren't they?), but later changed her mind after we saw a really cool and different costume idea online.  I'll share the idea's really cool!

One of our favorite parts of Halloween is coming up with ideas for and making the costumes.  We don't usually make the costumes from scratch, but rather they are semi-homemade.  This is still fun, because you can create a costume that not every single other person/kid will have.  It's fun to be unique and creative!  I thought I'd share the costume ideas we came up with this year.  Maybe they with inspire you too!

The first idea I'll share is what my youngest daughter has decided to be, a corpse bride.

This is a pretty easy costume idea!  Really, all you need is a wedding dress and some face paint!  We are not going to make her look exactly like THE corpse bride from the movie, more just a dead bride, but the corpse bride from the movie will serve as great inspiration.  We also lucked out and found a bride costume at the Goodwill that fit her perfectly!

Here are some inspiration pics...can't wait to share the finished costume!

living with ThreeMoonBabies | costume idea: A Corpse Bride

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