
Thursday, January 9, 2014

Website Trends 2014

I know many of you who read my blog are artists and bloggers too.  You might even manage and maintain your own website.  If so, I thought this post I did on my other blog about the website trends of 2014 might be of interest to you.  Also, if anyone is looking for help with the design/development of a website, feel free to contact me!

You can find the blog post here:

Oh....and Happy New Year!!!


  1. Happy New Year, Marjorie!

    I was pleased to read that larger fonts will be popular. I have always used large text but thought it was as an aid to my old eyes LOL.

  2. Happy New Year to you too! Thanks for reading my blog post! I'm glad you are already ahead of the game with your large fonts:) Better reading for all!
