
Monday, February 6, 2012

You're A Great Catch Valentines

Here's another valentine idea.
My girls are candy-a-holics, so the more candy they could incorporate into their valentines, the better! We came up with the idea to use Pixy Stix as "fishing poles" with a candy "catch" on the end. We used yarn to tie them together and attached a note that says, "You're A Great Catch". This idea could also be done using pencils and pretty much anything as the "catch". A baggie full of Swedish Fish candies would be really cute!

(tip: to prevent tangling, don't make the string too long!)

My Little Sienna is very happy with her catch!
P.S. We found big bags of Pixy Stix in the dollar bins at Target.


  1. Hi! I just wanted to let you know that I featured your "I CHEWS you" Valentine on my blog. Feel free to grab an I was featured button! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Okay! Thanks for the feature and stopping by my blog!
