
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

A Sneak Peek

At our Halloween costumes:
My son painting stripes on his costume...
Can you guess what he is going to be?
hint: It's a character from a movie.
My oldest daughter's costume accessories.
I bet you can guess what she is going to be:)
She wrote it on her bib necklace!

My youngest is going to be a disney princess, of course!
I was going to make her costume
(because I didn't want to spend $20 on it),
but we lucked out
and found one for $5 at a second hand shop!

Have you heard of Kandee Johnson?
She is a make-up artist that makes the most wonderful
youtube video tutorials.
My 4 year old and I are obsessed
with her Halloween make-up tutorials!
now you can guess what my youngest is going to be:)

Hope that everyone is having fun getting
ready for Halloween!

1 comment:

  1. What fabulous costumes! I bet they have had a great time helping mama make them. I'm trying to throw together some last minute stuff...very simple this year!
