
Thursday, June 25, 2009

New Books!

I am so excited about the new books that I just ordered! I had a $25 gift certificate for amazon....and wasn't sure what to get. Then, last night, I read amazing mae's post about a book called Printing by Hand by Lena Corwin, and I had to have it! I also bought Doodle Stitching by Aimee Ray to get my total up to $25.00. Whoo...hooo.... I am going to have so much fun:)
photo from


  1. It should be a lovely book! I love it's cover, so cute :)

  2. Let me know how you like the embroidery book. I have thought about that one as well. I really need to get on those printing projects because I am afraid I will put the book away and forget how excited I am about it!

  3. I have this book and I LOVE it!!!

  4. I am sure that I will love it too! I'll let you all know when it gets here:)
