
Friday, March 6, 2009

Bead Star tips...

I finished the piece that I plan on entering in the Bead Star contest! I still have not taken a photo or filled out the entry form, but I am really happy with my finished product. Of course, like everyone who enters a contest, I hope to win. I found a really helpful article titled "How to Win Beading Competitions: 6 Tips from a Contest Judge".
I hope these tips by Marlene Blessing will help increase my chances!!!:
Having been a judge in beading and other contests, here are some key tips to help you rise to the top:
1. Follow entry rules to the letter! If there's anything you think is confusing or ambiguous, most contest sites offer FAQs. They probably even list contact information if you need more help. Don't lose by being disqualified.
2. Get the best digital photo of your project(s) you can. If you've just made your most stupendously cool bracelet ever and you know it's a winner, remember the old adage: "A picture is worth a thousand words." Actually, edit that to read: "A great picture . . ." Loads of wonderful entries lose all the time because the image submitted to screeners and judges didn't do justice to the finished beadwork. There's even a Digital Art Photography for Dummies book to help you improve your results.
3. Be a politician. Get your friends, family, fellow bloggers, and coworkers out for the vote! If you've entered a popular vote contest such as Bead Star, it doesn't hurt to lobby the ones you love. (Just don't make any election promises you won't keep.)
4. Focus on finishing touches. Style and originality count big in contests. But be sure you finish your work beautifully with the best findings, technique (good tension, no knots or thread showing--unless they're intended, etc.), and other bits of polishing. It's all about the total package.
5. Enter contests frequently. Chance plays a part in winning, and you improve the odds if you keep on trying!
6. Have fun! (No explanation required.)

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