
Saturday, November 15, 2008

Want to go fishing?

My kids did! So, we made this really quick and easy fishing game. We used felt, magnets, un-sharpened pencils and ribbon.
We cut out a paper fish template.
Then, we pinned it to the felt and cut
(felt is folded that we would cut two felt fishies at a time).
We sandwiched a small magnet between the two pieces of felt. I used hot glue to seal the magnet in.
For the rod, we tied and glued a ribbon to a pencil on one end and a magnet on the other.
It worked! They caught lots of fish:)
I also did a simple slip stitch around the edges and embroidered a simple face on the fish.
Look! They stick to the fridge too:)
Make sure to watch your young kids with the small magnets. Also, I am sure that this could be done in a variety of different ways. Maybe use velcro, instead of magnets, at the end of the rods to catch the fish? Paper towel roll tubes could be another option for the rods...yarn could be used instead of ribbon,etc...etc...
My kids had a lot of fun with this!


  1. What a resourceful and creative Mom you are! You're kids are lucky to have you! :)

  2. So much fun! I'll have to try this for the furbabies!
