
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Giant Gingerbread House

The kids painted Sienna's cardboard house like a gingerbread house today:

Monday, December 21, 2009

My Family in Clay:)

I finally had some time to make me a family ornament!
Ramona, Charles, Sienna and Hunter (the dog).

Friday, December 18, 2009

Custom Family Ornaments

I just finished these adorable custom family ornaments!
I am so happy with how they turned out!
I will be offering them in my Etsy shop soon!

They are all marked with 2009 on the backs:

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Busy, Busy

I feel like I have been working on ornaments non-stop for days!
In between, I have been making gift baskets, full of lots of homemade goodies, for teachers, etc....
Below is a picture of the one that we dropped off at the post office today.
Our post office is wonderful!
They are always so sweet to my kids too!
We love them!
I have been tying on one of my ornaments to each of them.
I think that they turned out so cute!

Well, back to ornament making!
...with some baking and kids' school Christmas show watching (tomorrow) mixed in.
Why is the week before Christmas always so busy?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Zsu Zsu Pets

Have you heard of them?
Luckily, my kids have not requested them for Christmas!
I've heard that they are pretty hard to find!
Here is a set of the cute little hamsters that I just made:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Project 320

We are going to build a well.
You are going to
build a well.

(photo courtesy of Jody Landers)

Because we can.
Because you can.
Right now sweet, generous, creative and caring women from all over the country are sewing, knitting, painting, shopping, blogging, praying.
Over 100 items.
Handmade and heartfelt happiness.
December 14th
and ending
December 18th
Project 320
will be holding a virtual raffle.
10 prize bundles.
Each $10 donation to the well
earns one virtual ticket.
You get to choose how many "tickets" to buy
and which prize package you want to win.
On December 21st we will "draw" ten winners.
But most of all,
we will celebrate the victory.
The promise of clean water for a village.
Are you excited?
You should be!!!!
Because it is going to be awesome.
Grab a button.
Spread the word.
(info above taken from
To learn more about Project 320, please go to

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"To infinity ... and beyond!"

A polymer clay Buzz Lightyear ornament that I made as a gift:

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Monday, December 7, 2009

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Joy to the World

We got our Christmas cards today!
They turned out great!
I can't wait to send them out!
Thanks to everyone that helped me pick out the picture to use...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A few more familiar characters

Do you recognize them?

These guys will be made into pendants and hung from necklaces...
to be sold in my Etsy shop soon:)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


If you have young kids,
you probably know who this little guy is!
He's Brobee from Yo Gabba Gabba:

He is going to be turned into a charm and hung from leather cord necklace.